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Thursday, September 29, 2011

60 second video of an owl approaching....

This is a one minute slow motion video of an eagle owl (which I think is the largest owl) coming in to grab some prey (which you never see) .  It is really dramatic and it’s cool to watch the feathers at the end.Click on this to see a slow motion approach of an owl
Ned and Nellie are still around. The best time is at dusk when they wake up and are hungry.  Last night I heard several cardinals around the car entrance to the Duke Mansion sounding the alarm so I knew one of them was around and then I saw Ned fly to a quieter tree. Tonight I heard Nellie in our back yard calling for Ned.  The triplets have left to find their own kingdom. 

Starting around Thanksgiving, Ned will begin courting Nellie and bringing her prey in exchange for…well, you know.

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