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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A parliament of owls and update

One of the many things that go on behind the scenes at the raptor center is rehabilitation. Most of these babies fell and went boom. They are hanging with Ned who is teaching them owl things like hooting and clucking and puffing up when self-esteem is low. he is an experienced father and they look up to him. As of Wednesday, he has not attempted to fly but there is plenty of time. Live mice are scurrying around to tempt him plus he may be sore.
You can also visit my YouTube channel for owl videos.

If you would like to be on the Hooter list to hear updates on Ned and Nellie or owls in general, send me an email through this blog or directly to
Ned is on the left, a baby in the middle and another adult on the right. When you see the parliament of owls, it's easy to see the differences.

To directly donate to Ned's recovery click here Ned is patient number 18749. You will also find updates here.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update on Ned! I just read the article in the paper and am so exited to find your blog and learn more about the owls. I moved into the Myers Park neighborhood 2 years ago and have been fortunate enough to experience several owl sightings and of course "hearings" of their back and forth hoots. Now that I know they nest at the park, I will walk that way more often. Could I get on your email list?
